Hi, welcome to my blog site, in which news and views about Neighbourhood Development Planning is the focus, (although I’m sure other things will from time to time creep in!).
The blog is aimed mainly at members of NDP steering groups and Town/Parish Clerks for the Council’s in Cornwall where I am supporting their Neighbourhood Planning activity. However, I’m keeping it fully open to public viewing in the hope that it will be helpful to others and may encourage discussion that adds new information, different perspectives and new ideas to the issues covered.
Please feel free to comment, support, add to or contradict!
(nb, the usual moderation rules apply. Nothing that is said that a reasonable person would consider to be unacceptable or discriminatory in terms of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, either directly, by association, or implication will get through. Same goes for offensive language).