Hi, welcome to my blog site, in which news and views about Neighbourhood Development Planning is the focus, (although I’m sure other things will from…
The pillars of success when engaging the community on NDPs
We have seen a significant dip in the willingness of communities to engage since COVID – for which there may be many reasons. Maybe to…
Lack of support grants threatens Neighbourhood Planning system.
Well it’s mid June and DLUHC still has not announced the promised renewal of the Neighbourhood Planning Support Programme, despite calls being made to local councils…
Locality NDP Grants back by end of May
The Locality Neighbourhood Planning Support Programme grant scheme has been on hold for some time, but I hear today that Locality have been in touch…
Proposed Govt. Action to Tackle Short Term Holiday Letting: Will it Help in Cornwall and how can NDPs be Involved?
After prolonged pressure from local authorities and MPs the government is consulting on a proposal to introduce a new use class for short term lets…
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill: Opportunities and Risks for NDPs and localism.
Whilst working with NDP groups I have been asked about the impact the proposed new planning system may have on Neighbourhood Plans and the ability…
Biodiversity Net Gain is mandatory from Nov 2023
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) means that developers must make sure that the habitat for wildlife on land they plan to do development work on has…
New NPPF Released July 20 2021
A revised edition of the National Planning Policy Framework [NPPF] has been released. It includes several key changes that should be reflected in emerging Neighbourhood…
Thinking about Development Boundaries? Be careful!
The concept of Development Boundaries is popular in NDPs, but a very careful approach is needed if they are to be succesful. They are seen…
National Model for Design Codes Published
To coincide with the announcement of proposed changes to the NPPF, MHCLG has published a National Model Design Code, which outlines the design standards that…
Proposed NPPF changes will impact on Neighbourhood Plans
NPPF 2021 may give a key role to neighbourhood planning groups in influencing the design of new development through local design codes. Other proposed changes…