The Draft St Cleer Neighbourhood Development Plan was published for consultations on 31st March 2019 for a 7 week period ending 19th May 2019. Over the summer of 2019 the NDP Steering Group working on behalf of the Parish Council reviewed all the comments received. During that period conformation was also received from Cornwall Council that a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Plan was not required.
Following the review of comments made, the NDP was adjusted and formally submitted to Cornwall Council on 1st November 2019. Cornwall Council consulted residents and other interested stakeholders on the Plan, from Thursday 5th December 2019 to 30th January 2020 for 8 weeks. The Examination took place from February to July 2020.
The Examiner recommended several useful Modifications, and conformed that the NDP meets the Basic Conditions, the consultation process was robust and that the Neighbourhood Plan and its policies reflects the outcome of the consultation process. The NDP referendum will take place in 2021.
The modified Plan has been published on Cornwall Council’s website. For direct access to the Plan, please click here: ST CLEER NDP WITH EXAMINATION MODIFICATIONS