The Looe NDP, currently out for pre-submission consultation, recognises that the implications of global warming for the town are profound and aims to tackle the…
Liskeard NDP gets 91.5% vote in support.
The Liskeard NDP, (see blog item received a Yes vote of 91.5% in its referendum on 25th October 2018. That puts it 4th in…
Planning Practice Guidance on Neighbourhood Plans is updated.
MHCLG has issued a revised PPG section on Neighbourhood Development Plans following the recent update to the National Planning Policy Framework. Details are available here:…
Welcome to my Blog!
Hi, welcome to my blog site, in which news and views about Neighbourhood Development Planning is the focus, (although I’m sure other things will from…
Liskeard ‘bombed’!
The Cornish town of Liskeard has been ‘Yarn Bombed’. Not by a nasty subversive force but by really nice people who are keen on knitting…
‘Entry Level Exception’ sites: the same troublesome issues as rural exception sites and more unintended consequences?
A key proposal, contained with Paragraph 71 of the revised NPPF published in July 2018 is the introduction of Entry Level Exception Sites. Looks to…
New lower ONS household projections probably won’t change housing targets in Cornwall.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have published new 2016-based Household Projections. They forecast – nationwide – a growth of 165,000 households per annum over…
New twists in Habitat Regs law to slow down NDP progress?
As a result of a finding by the European Court* it seems that ‘likely significant effects’ (LSE) of NDP proposals on European level designated habitat…
Huge community effort leads Liskeard NDP to referendum.
Some four and a half years after serious work started on the Liskeard NDP it goes to referendum on the 25th October 2018. This is…
Poor engagement and communication can lead to a ‘no’ vote.
A second NDP has been voted down in its referendum. The Plan, for the Thornton Estate in Hull, lost by a mere 78 votes, although…